Functional Wellness is an approach to healthcare that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of disease and promoting optimal health by considering the unique aspects of each individual. It emphasizes a patient-centered, holistic approach, taking into account the interactions between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence health.

When it comes to cancer, Functional Wellness recognizes that it is a complex disease with multiple contributing factors. It acknowledges that cancer can develop due to a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental exposures, chronic inflammation, immune dysfunction, and lifestyle choices. Functional Wellness providers aim to identify and address these underlying factors to support the body’s natural ability to prevent and fight cancer.

We use a range of tools and strategies to support individuals with cancer. These include:

  1. Comprehensive assessment: A thorough evaluation of the patient’s medical history, genetics, lifestyle factors, and environmental exposures is conducted to identify potential underlying causes and triggers of cancer.
  2. Personalized treatment plans: Based on the assessment, personalized treatment plans are developed to address the unique needs of each individual. These plans may include dietary and nutritional interventions, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, detoxification support, and targeted supplementation.
  3. Nutritional support: We recognize the importance of nutrition in cancer prevention and treatment. Dietary interventions may focus on reducing inflammation, supporting immune function, and promoting optimal nutrient intake. Specific diets, such as the ketogenic diet or the Mediterranean diet, may be recommended depending on the individual’s needs.
  4. Lifestyle modifications: We emphasize the importance of lifestyle factors such as exercise, stress management, sleep quality, and toxin avoidance. These lifestyle modifications can help optimize the body’s defenses against cancer and support overall health.
  5. IV Therapy: We incorporate IV therapies alongside conventional cancer treatments. With the right protocol of IV Therapy, whether high dose vitamin C or ozone IV therapy (or both), these therapies will help your body recover and fight. 

Functional wellness can also play a supportive role in cancer care by focusing on improving overall well-being and addressing the underlying factors that contribute to cancer development and progression. Here are some ways people may use functional wellness for cancer:

  1. Nutrition: A key aspect of functional wellness is optimizing nutrition. Individuals may work with us to develop a personalized diet plan that emphasizes whole foods, plant-based options, and nutrient-dense ingredients. The goal is to support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and maintain strength and energy during cancer treatment.
  2.  Physical activity: Engaging in regular physical activity, as tolerated, can be beneficial for individuals with cancer. Functional wellness encourages tailored exercise programs that consider the individual’s fitness level and treatment side effects. Exercise can improve energy levels, reduce fatigue, enhance mood, and maintain muscle mass and bone density.
  1.  Detoxification support: We offer detoxification protocols to help the body eliminate toxins and promote optimal organ function. These protocols include specific dietary recommendations and herbal supplements. 
  1.  Sleep optimization: Quality sleep is crucial for overall health and healing. Functional wellness approaches may involve addressing factors that disrupt sleep, such as pain, anxiety, or medication side effects. Strategies to improve sleep hygiene, relaxation techniques, and natural supplements may be recommended to support better sleep patterns.